Hubdoc and why we think you’ll love it!
April 17, 2024

At Tradermate, we’re all about keeping things simple. That’s why we pride ourselves on our jargon-free approach to bookkeeping. But it’s also why we constantly look for solutions to help make our clients’ working lives easier. This Knowledge Hub article will explore one of our favourite document organisation tools, Hubdoc. Read on to discover more about Hubdoc and why we think you’ll love it!

Hubdoc and why we think you’ll love it!

Hubdoc captures your financial documents easily. You can take photos on your mobile, email, scan or upload documents into Hubdoc. Your key documents are stored online in one place. Here are the top three reasons we think you’ll love it!

1: It’s a time saver:

Using the app, you can sort your paperwork on the go. After filling up your van, photograph your supplier’s receipt and upload it to Hubdoc. Say goodbye to hours of manual entry when you should be off duty!

2: It’s a space saver:

Because all your documents are stored on the cloud, you can say goodbye to boxes of receipts and bills clogging up the cupboard under the stairs.

3: It’s smart:

Hubdoc simplifies data entry by reading key information from bills and receipts and turning it into usable data. It will populate almost all the details from your receipt or bill, including the supplier name, the net, VAT and gross amounts. Then, once you’ve shown it how to allocate an expense, it will remember it for future transactions. For example, it will allocate all your Shell receipts to ‘fuel.’… Smart, heh?

Three favourite features:

Our clients love using Hubdoc, and their favourite features are:

  • 1: The simple-to-use app lets them snap and send paperwork from their phones.
  • 2: The ability to forward an email with a bill attached directly to Hubdoc.
  • 3: That it’s free with a Xero subscription!

Xero, Hubdoc and your bookkeeper – Matches made in heaven!

Hubdoc helps us to help you keep your books in ‘real-time’. Rather than stack up your bills and receipts for weeks or months, sending them as you go is quick and easy. This means you or your bookkeeper can keep on top of your books. Since Hubdoc is linked to Xero, when the bills and receipts arrive, we can review them and ‘publish’ them to Xero.

Any images you send automatically attach to each Xero bill, so you don’t need to keep the paperwork. It makes it easy to go back and look if there’s something you want to query (like the price of something, for example).

If you need more information or want to say goodbye to boxes of paperwork, contact us HERE. We work with tradespeople in Chichester, West Sussex and beyond.

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