We are a small team of approachable tradespeople bookkeepers. Our team know what they’re talking about and will explain it in simple language. Dare we say it, you might even start to enjoy having a chat with your bookkeeper!

We are a small team of approachable tradespeople bookkeepers. Our team know what they’re talking about and will explain it in simple language. Dare we say it, you might even start to enjoy having a chat with your bookkeeper!

We offer a wide range of bookkeeping and accounting related services to owners of trade businesses. These include CAT, CIS, Payroll and other related support. We can also help with the smooth running of your business when you’re doing hands-on work. This can be our call answering service, webchat and social media posting for example. We are here to help tradespeople with whatever ‘office type’ services they need.
You’ll be in safe hands when you choose Tradermate as your bookkeeping company. The business is a licensed bookkeeping practice through AAT. Lee is a qualified bookkeeper and Claire is a chartered accountant. On top of this, we are members of the FSB and Chichester Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The Boring Stuff: We only use Xero for our tradespeople’s bookkeeping, and we love Dext for the electronic document capture feature it offers.
Why You Need To Know The Boring Stuff: That means that you don’t need to keep hold of hundreds of receipts, invoices and other paperwork for years to come. It’s all looked after for you online, and very easily. We will show you how to use Xero and Dext for free!
Want to know more? Give us a call!