We provide a quick, professional, and reliable virtual receptionist service to take your calls and represent your business. You won't have to worry about a missed call ever again.
Being a tradesperson is pretty full on and you can't just lay down the tools or climb down your ladder every time your phone rings. Sometimes it's not convenient, other time's it's too noisy, just not safe.

Tradermate have the answer. We provide a UK based Telephone Answering/Virtual Receptionist service. Answering the call with your business name we ensure your calls are answered politely, professionally and fast.
You select the hours you need covering, and we make sure you no longer lose out on the next big job, or your current customers don't get frustrated having to leave voicemail messages every time they call.
We'll take down the contact details, what the call's about and we'll even answer the pre prepared frequently asked questions for you. Then, when we have all we need, we'll send you a text or email so you can call back, when you're ready.
As well as the call answering service, we have live chat. Any visitors to your website are asked if they want to start a conversation, and Tradermate are on standby when they do, asking and answering questions as a member of your team.