Why trade businesses need a website
July 24, 2024

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is as vital as a good cuppa in the morning. While you might have a Facebook page, a fancy Instagram grid, or a listing on checkatrade.com, having your own digital space can bring value to your business. A website isn’t just a fancy add-on; it’s a must-have tool! Here are four reasons trade businesses need a website.

Four reasons why trade businesses need a website:

More professional than a tidy van!

We’ve often heard that clients can tell a lot about a tradesperson by how tidy their van is, but a great website can do the job, too. Potential clients are scoping you out online before they even think about giving you a call. A professional website loaded with details about your services, impressive experience, some photos of projects and glowing customer testimonials will definitely impress.

It’s like giving your business a megaphone!

If you have a website, you’re no longer stuck relying on word-of-mouth or local ads. You’ll find potential clients will stumble upon your services through search engines, expanding your customer base. It’s especially handy when you want to go from being the local hero to the regional sensation!

Turn a ‘maybe’ into a ‘definitely’.

A website lets you show off your best work like a proud parent at the end-of-term show! Create a snazzy portfolio section with photos and descriptions of your completed projects and happy client testimonials. This will help turn potential clients into fully paid-up customers.

Customer service without the customer service department:

Finally, a website can be your customer communication and support headquarters! You can add contact forms, email addresses, and even live chat or What’s App options, making it a breeze for clients to get in touch. Plus, throw in an FAQ section to answer common questions, saving both you and your clients time. It’s a win-win situation!

We can help!

Did you know that we offer reliable, cost-effective, and jargon-free bookkeeping and also arrange various other services vital for running your trade business?

If, after reading this, you’re convinced that your website needs a website (and you should be) get in touch so we can hand you over to someone that can help!

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