At Tradermate, we don’t just crunch numbers; we understand tradespeople. We know that if you’re knee-deep in sawdust, rewiring a house, or knee-crawling under a kitchen sink, the last thing you need is to be thinking about invoices, VAT returns, and the dreaded paperwork pile. That’s why we specialise as bookkeepers for tradespeople in Chichester and the surrounding area.
Why We Specialise as Bookkeepers for Tradespeople:

In August 2021, we saw a real need for tradespeople to have a bookkeeper they could understand. A bookkeeper who appreciated their business, their challenges, and the level of bookkeeping service that they required.
We Speak Your Language (No Jargon, Just Straight Talk)
Let’s be honest; bookkeeping and accounting are full of terms we love and you probably hate! Depreciation, accruals, reconciliation. The list could go on. Many clients tell us that it sounds like a foreign language to them. That’s why we ditch the jargon and speak your language.
Most clients want to know:
- How much they’re earning?
- How much they’re spending?
- And how much must they put aside for tax so HMRC doesn’t come knocking?
That’s what we deliver: Plain, honest bookkeeping that makes sense. We review your accounts weekly to ensure everything is accurate, up-to-date, and easy to access. In addition to managing your VAT returns and handling CIS, we provide monthly reports to all our clients, with the bare minimum being a Profit and Loss report.
Less Paperwork, More Profit
You’re a pro at fixing, building, and creating, not spending your evenings drowning in paperwork. When you finish a job, we know you want to switch off.
That’s where we come in. We handle everything from bookkeeping to invoicing, CIS compliance, VAT, and tax planning so you can focus on what you do best, keeping customers happy, the work coming in and getting paid on time.
We Know the Trade (And Your Struggles)
We’re not your typical bookkeepers; we understand how trade businesses work.
We know:
- Cash flow is king. Waiting for late payments can be painful, so we offer a Credit Control service.
- You’re always on the move. We understand you complete paperwork on-site, in the van, or at the builders’ merchants. So, we’ll offer apps, tools and advice to make it easy for you.
- You need quick answers. We understand you can’t wait two weeks for an accountant to email you back. So, we use all the digital tools we can so you have answers at your fingertips.
The Bottom Line? We Make Life Easier
At Tradermate, we specialise in bookkeeping for tradespeople because we know your time is better spent on-site than on spreadsheets. We keep your finances in order, help you stay on the right side of HMRC, ensure you always know where you stand with your money, and ultimately grow your business.
So, if you’re tired of HMRC stress, messy invoices, and trying to figure out VAT when you’d rather be pricing up your next job, we’re here to help.
Get in touch today, and let’s make bookkeeping one less thing on your to-do list!